FFRC Statement Regarding the Withdrawal of the National Old Growth Amendment: January 7, 2025: Washington, DC: Today, the USDA Forest Service announced they were withdrawing the proposed National Old Growth Amendment, which would have imposed an unworkable set of management restrictions on millions of acres of National Forests. FFRC and others filed comments which demonstrated that the Amendment was legally dubious and ecologically flawed. FFRC Executive Director Bill Imbergamo issued the following statement on the withdrawal:
“Besides distracting the Forest Service from Congress’s clear mandate to begin thinning our ire prone forests more aggressively, all this exercise showed was that older forests are widespread on the National Forest System. Most of them are already off limits to timber harvest. Old growth forests are succumbing to ire, insects, and disease, and they need management to make them healthier and more resilient. We look forward to working with the Forest Service to restore the health and productivity of our National Forests.”
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For more information, contact Bill Imbergamo, Executive Director, at 703-629-6877 or [email protected]
About the FFRC: FFRC is a national coalition of wood products companies, local governments, conservation groups united by concern for the National Forests. FFRC supports improving the management of the federal lands to support healthy forests and vibrant rural communities.
Federal Forest Resource Coalition
1901 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Suite 1007
Washington, DC 20006